I Hate My Job... Old post recycled from 8/24/14 AKA The ugly truth about customer service over the phone
I know no one wants to hear me complain about my job, so this is your only WOB warning. This is a major rant. So major I wrote in in word before I copied it to Blogger. This is why I hate my job. I used to love helping people; my job makes me feel bad about it now. I sit in a cubicle, in a row of twelve cubicles, staring at a small monitor, connected to a slow running machine, in a warehouse filled with these same rows. The only change is the daily move from row to row so you never sit in the same place twice in a week. This is supposed to be meant for moral, so we don’t get bored with our jobs. They constantly upgrade the software we use to make our jobs “easier” and “more efficient”, when in reality all it does is make it harder to attain these high standards they set because they refuse to spend the money to upgrade the hardware required to run the software. This is what we as reps must maintain for goals daily, weekly, and monthly: Average Handle Time (AHT) – no more than 530 ...