Heroine... or Villainess... Chelsea Manning

I read the entirety of Chelsea Manning's Wikipedia page and I don't know whether or not I can decide if she is the heroine, or villainess of her story.

Manning had a hard life for sure, two alcoholic parents, being born in the wrong body, suffering from fetal alcohol syndrome, the list goes on. I think a lot of her issues stemmed from feeling like she couldn't be who she was, and while in the Army, being forced to be something she wasn't. Being bullied because some men felt so threatened in their own masculinity, that they couldn't let her be who she was. Toxic masculinity at it's finest folks.

But, we as Americans deserve to know what is going on within our own country, and what our government is doing in these wars drummed up by people who themselves refuse to (or fake bone spurs to get out of) serve/ing in. I mean, after all, it is OUR money that pays for these wars, so why shouldn't we be privy to the ugly details? Was she really putting innocent people at risk? Or just those who stood to profit off the wars? If what we're doing is so bad, why are we doing it in the first place?

These are all questions that need answers. Look at the "Collateral Murder" video... innocent journalists, people and children were either injured or killed by our military. Senseless violence on begets more senseless violence. And the sooner we learn that, the better off we'll be.

It sucks that the people she thought were her support system are the same ones who turned her in. I was glad to hear that the hacker community did turn their backs on Adrian Lamo, what he did was way worse than what she did in their community. He swore he wouldn't reveal her as a source and then he did and turned her in to the authorities.

There has been no substantiated proof that what Manning did put anyone in harm's way, all she did was shed the light on America's ugly, and violent proclivities. Whereas the American government has put many innocent lives on the line, destroyed many innocent people, and tried to cover it all up. We the people, deserve to know the truth, but, as Jack Nicholson said, "You can't handle the truth!"


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