I have 6 quarters of school under my belt
... And it feels great! This quarter I am taking two more classes online. As we only have one vehicle it will make things easier for me to get school work done, get the kids to and from school (we have to drive them and pick them up as well) and still go to work full time. My GPA isn't super high, but it's decent, almost a 3.0, I am having issues with my Spanish class, but maybe I should drop it all together and finish my ASL instead? I don't know. We'll see how it goes. I am NOT going after my nursing degree anymore, solely because my heart really isn't in it. I've always been a good writer, and while waiting for required classes to open I took some creative writing classes. I gained a 4.0 and a 3.8 in both and my instructor advised me to switch my major as she could tell I had a love of writing. So, now I am going for my AA in liberal arts as an English Major. I am going to purchase Rosetta Stone for two languages, Spanish and Russian, and get my teaching degree instead of my nursing degree. I won't make a lot of money as a teacher, but it will still be triple what I make now, so that makes it ok. Besides, Hubby is going for Masters in Computer Science, he can make all the money. :) I should be done with my reqs by the end of spring and able to graduate in June with my AA. I can't wait.
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