
Showing posts from June, 2011


My daughter finally had her tonsils taken out. # years of fighting with dr's telling them there was something wrong with her tonsils because they were swollen and them telling me I'm WRONG that her tonsils were normal. The last time she was sick I took her to see her doctor and told him she was constantly sick. He asked one question, "does she snore?" Like a mack truck rumblin down the street with a flat tire. He said her adenoids and tonsils needed to come out. Referred her to a ENT specialist he took one look at her tonsils and said they need to come out. Made an appointment for her. She had it yesterday. She came through like a champ. The doctor came out after he was done (20 minutes later) and said her tonsils and adenoids were HUGE!!! Hmmmm Seems like once again I was right. I've come to the conclusion the Doctors don't really care about their patients unless they have lots of cash or private insurance. I have medic-aid for my kids and no one wanted to he...


I have finished the spring quarter with a B in Biology and a C in Math. I took an Incomplete in English to finish two essays. I should get an A once those are done. I had great teachers this quarter and am hoping for the same this quarter. I had to drop a class as I need the money to fix my car and pay rent. :( oh well I only dropped a Math class and I am still on track for the end of next summer. That's the important part there. I will by this summer have completed my req's for a world language with ASL 121 and 122 and have Psych 100 under my belt along with 30 credits. I am beyond excited. Mahalo Mica