For those (my idiot sister) who tell the world I am lying

No one is listening to a self-preserving addict. You ex-boyfriend Ronnie tried to molest me while you were drinking and getting high, so you made me play a drinking game with beer called "one red-hen" until I was drunk enough to look like I didn't know what I was talking about. You didn't want to get in trouble with James, our older brother who had legal custody of me at the time. Larry Molested me when I was 11, dad and Candida caught him and I got in trouble for it, which is why when he raped me at 13 I never told anyone, because I thought it was my fault he did it. As for being a victim of rape, if you were a victim of it, I am sorry to hear that. It wasn't your fault. You're right crack whore was the wrong word, meth-head, pot smoker, coke-snorter are much more appropriate as I watched you with my own damn eyes do all of that with your ex- and your old high school buddy Bambi. If you don't think sleeping around with every guy in a two-block radius while claiming love the one right next-door (Kyle) make you a whore, then ok, you're not a whore.

As for thinking I am a real catch, obviously someone does think that of me... My fiance. He's the only one who matters. I don't falsely claim shit just to look like a victim, I am a victim who refuses to be a victim anymore by staying quiet about what happened to me and you and Candida and Larry are still trying to torment me in anyway you can to make yourselves look better, and you are PISSED that I won't let you, that I REFUSE to be quiet about ALL the skeletons in YOUR closets. So in reading your last post I would take that to mean that WES doesn't know the truth about your brother being a CONVICTED child molester. That you and everyone else have told him that Larry was FALSELY accused... so sad you lie to your own man about it. maybe you should learn the definition of HONESTY... go get a dictionary out and look it up.

As for your beloved auntie not cheating on her husband ask her who Bubba is? I saw the emails and heard the disgusting phone calls between them, and the real reason we left her house was because I was able to find somewhere else to live. As for owing her money, she's saying that to save face. She believed I was the one person she could trust with the information on her affair, but she just sickens me. uncle Kenny treats her like a queen when he needs to kick her sorry ass to the curb. She wasn't a real mom, if she was David would never have turned out the way he did.

Yeah you and your other brother and sister get along, cause you are all fucked up in the head. Not a one of you truly know what life is about. You lived with mom and dad till the day they died and you went looking for other people to glom on to when you realized how hard life really is. Suzie you leached onto Wes because you can't be without a man, Candida gloms onto you because she can't do it to me, and Larry does the same cause he already tried and failed with Candida according to our phone conversations. here is what I find hilarious though. When you are supposed to be getting "clean" you were still feeding your addiction, how else would you have gotten pregnant twice during that first year you were getting clean? Isn't the first thing they tell you as an addict who's trying to get clean is to stay out of a relationship even sexual as your head isn't cleared enough from the drugs to handle one? Hmmmm, me thinks she failed from the get go.

As for me writing Aunt Liz off, it was more of a result of looking at our relationship over the years. She never called me, I always had to call her. She couldn't remember my birthday (and she let me call her mom, wouldn't a mother remember her daughter's birthday?) let alone my kids' birthdays and she allowed me to let them call her Grandma, but she sure could remember Nicoli's birthday. The reason she gave us a month is because we were interrupting her phone sex time with her married boyfriend in another state. Did you know she seriously thought of leaving Uncle Kenny for this man... then she realized he had no money to let her mooch off of him the way she can mooch off of Uncle Kenny.

Let's see, why did I leave California.... hmmmmm? Well unfortunately the place we moved was not a good place to move into, just cheap. I'd tell you what happened but you would say I am making it all up because I am a sociopath. Do you know what a Sociopath is? Apparently not because you are just very uneducated. A sociopath is a person who has a psychopathic personality, whose behavior is antisocial and who lacks a sense of moral responsibility or social conscience. I am not a sociopath. I have normal friends who care about me so I am not anti-social, I am in no way psychopathic, although you and Larry and Candida piss me off almost to the point of it, And if I lacked a sense of moral responsibility I'd be in jail or would have spent some time there like you and you brother Larry. I also don't lack for a social conscience, if I did, I wouldn't be working on my NURSING degree to HELP PEOPLE who suffer from disease. As for blackmailing you, well you need another course in how to define the word. You do not know what you are talking about because you are an idiot. This is from Wikipedia, it's the definition of blackmail:

In common usage, blackmail is a crime involving threats to reveal substantially true and/or false information about a person to the public, a family member, or associates unless a demand is met.[1][2] It may be defined as coercion involving threats of physical harm, threat of criminal prosecution, or threats for the purposes of taking the person's money or property.[1][3][4][5][6][7][8] It is the name of a statutory offence in the United States, England and Wales, Northern Ireland, and Victoria, and has been used as a convenient way of referring to other offenses, but was not a term of art in English law before 1968. It originally denoted a payment made by English persons residing along the border of Scotland to influential Scottish chieftains in exchange for protection from thieves and marauders.[3][4]

Blackmail may also be considered a form of extortion.[1] Although the two are generally synonymous, extortion is the taking of personal property by threat of future harm.[9] It is the use of threats to prevent another from engaging in a lawful occupation and writing libelous letters or letters that tend to provoke a breach of the peace, as well as use of intimidation for purposes of collecting an unpaid debt.[4] Some US states distinguish the offenses by requiring that blackmail be in writing.

I never threatened you or held anything of yours in exchange for being financially paid off. I simply asked for your help as you and your sister, and Larry always did of me whenever I had money. Because as darling daddy always said, Family will always be there for you when you need them most. What a liar he turned out to be. Maybe your readers should hear the truth about you, and if they want to hear it, all they have to do is read my blog. I don't backpedal shit, I put the truth out there, it's my therapy, it's how I move on from your guys' bullshit and the things you did to me in my life. You don't want to hear it because you are an addict who is still ashamed of what she did and you don't want people to know just how bad you really were when you were high, drunk and just plain stupid.

I gave you one too many chances apparently, and for someone who supposedly is a follower of God, you sure have a funny way of acting as one. You never made amends with me, so for you to be on step 9 for the rest of your life should be fun for you. making amends with me would not injure me or others at all. As for not being apart of your life, it's no big thing to me. I have REAL family that loves me and cares about me enough to be there emotionally for me and support me in all my endeavours that I don't need you, Candida or Larry. Part of my fucked up childhood included being tormented emotionally and financially by you three and I won't put my kids through that. They don't need the toxins you three put out into the universe in their lives.

Good luck finishing your program... step 9 is a good step to be stuck on and if you tell your friends you finished it, I'll put ads out in all the newspapers in the entire state of Kansas telling them how you never made amends with me and prove just what a liar you really are.


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