I don't have to stalk people when they give information to my friends
Apparently my older brother who's "gay" and has "AIDS" and is "dying" has posted a blog about me. Awww, how sweet. Apparently I stalk him and don't have a GED or go to school now while working full time, and I'm a liar and deceptive and filled with venom and hate for him. Awww, sorry bro, but whoever reads your blog doesn't know the real you, or the fact that you're a convicted child molester, or the fact that you stole money from your dying mother's bank account because you and dad have the same name and his name was still attached to the account AFTER he died. I bet you thought the money was rightfully yours as you are the "oldest" son of dad's, which is a lie. Why is it a lie? Because dad had three other son's besides you, Jimmy and the twins (with another woman). Or at least this is what I have been told by dad (before he died) and his family and mom too. Go ahead call your dead parents liars, I dare you. I d...