Missing my Dad

Tomorrow marks the 6 year anniversary of my dad's death. It's hard to think about him because it depresses me. He never got to know his granddaughter, and really, not even his grandson. I mean he met his grandson and loved the little baby boy he was, but he didn't get to know the little toddler, who turned into a sweet little boy, who looks at his pictures and asks about him all the time. Dad and Little V In this picture, they had the exact same amount of teeth in their heads... lol. My dad did the best he could I guess. He probably figured that I was ok, cause I never needed him, which is why he focused so hard on the siblings who had issues. Damn, they were serious ones too, but he took it upon himself to fix, and what he didn't realize is that he had other family needing him just as much. What he really didn't get was that you can't fix someone who doesn't want to be fixed. My brother and sister, who are his namesake, are fucked up beyond all belief, and ...